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Star Conflict

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Description Star Conflict

Dynamic action MMO, in which you will become the might captain of a spaceship Engage others in dynamic galactic battles. Conquer the world divided between empires and independent groups of mercenaries. Somewhere in space unknown and mysterious alien remains were discovered... This is when a dangerous race begins. Ancient artifacts are a great treasure everybody seek..

Before you throw yourself into the galactic wars you will begin the adventure by creating an individual character. Acquire a spaceship, which can be further improved and explore universes. Along with the progress in the game and " wealth " :) you will be able to purchase other vehicles.

The gameplay is based mainly on the implementation of group tasks or ordinary galactic battles. In addition, the graphuics of Star Conflict makes this title definitely extraordinary : D

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Star Conflict requirements

  • Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
  • Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon II
  • 4 GB
  • NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000)
  • 6 GB
  • 1 Mb/s
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